Oasis Sanctuary for Children

Danae’s mom had to work the night shift. But Danae is just a year old. And when her mom had left her with others in the past, Danae had been abused and sexually exploited.

Healthy Babies Project wants to step in the gap for little ones like Danae. Children like Danae are why we’re launching Oasis Sanctuary. There, Danae will be able to stay in a safe, loving environment while her mom works. At Oasis, children will get all the love and attention they need to be healthy. To stop crying. To start laughing again.

Oasis Sanctuary will provide child development services for young HBP children like Danae.

There are many occasions when young mothers cannot care for their children or must be away from them. It is then when Oasis Sanctuary meets a special need for these little ones.

Will you step up and help bridge this gap with us?

GIVE HERE to support Oasis Sanctuary.

In this protected, supportive environment, when their parents cannot be with them, babies and young children will be loved and nurtured. They learn from their earliest days that they are valuable.

Oasis Child Development Center will operate to benefit HBP families. The project will require a significant renovation of the current Perennial House.

The center is grounded in HBP’s focus on strengthening families by building protective factors in every person we serve. As we work with young parents to equip them with life skills necessary for self-sufficiency, we simultaneously provide support at Oasis Sanctuary for their children, working in these little ones to build the five key protective factors that are essential for strong families.


Vulnerable families face daily stress. Young parents are learning skills that build resilience. Oasis Sanctuary ensures that their children, too, acquire a pool of inner strength by helping little learn how to manage and bounce back from all types of challenges they encounter.

Social connections

Families in crisis can feel isolated. At Oasis Sanctuary, children build positive, nurturing relationships with loving staff members and community residents, who provide each child with a personal web of emotional support.

Practical support

When a child’s family encounters a crisis or experiences ongoing challenges such as domestic violence, mental illness or substance abuse, Oasis Sanctuary offers that child a refuge of stability and support.

Child development

Challenging behaviors or delayed development create extra stress for families and negatively impact children long term. The Oasis Sanctuary’s loving, professional staff helps recognize child development milestones and provide intervention as needed to keep development on track.

Social and emotional competence

A child’s ability to interact positively with others, self-regulate their behavior, and effectively communicate their feelings can impact his or her entire future. Oasis Sanctuary focuses on learning through play to equip each child with healthy social and emotional skills.

GIVE HERE to support Oasis Sanctuary.

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